Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Getting things FIXED. China style.

My high quality chinese bag surprisingly fell apart, so I had no choice but to take it to get fixed. Luckily, China is filled with all kinds of legit repair shops, as you can see.
All kinds of high-end services are available, such as using a toothbrush to apply a strange liquid to your shoes.

And a closeup of that high-tech, hand-crank sewing machine:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All the world's a closet

More cold = more layers = more laundry... but no dryer.

So obviously, the best solution is a clothesline across the room~~~

I think it adds to the atmosphere.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pizza Hut: China Style

What do you do when you're in China after you've eaten Chinese food for 3 weeks straight? Go to Pizza Hut, obviously. It's exactly like Pizza Hut in America, aside from pretty much everything.

Because there's nothing like Pizza Hut rice...
And there's nothing like eating pizza with a fork and knife. It's just more classy that way.
The inside looks just like it does in America!~

Overall, I'd say it was a trustworthy fashionable experience.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

中关村 ZhongGuanCun iPhone adventures

So I got my iPhone from America!!!!!!!!! And it's fabulous! Except for the fact that it doesn't work over here in China. Basically, it needs to be jailbroken. So naturally, we went to the authorized reseller.
Where you can find all kinds of legit and authorized apple products, such as this device that will turn your iTouch into an iPhone 4!
With all kinds of legit procedures, such as punching your simcard into a micro simcard using that stapler-looking contraption on the right. Fo free!

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I want you to add me on words with friends. Pinkielila

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Singles Day! Pt. 2

So what's the best way to celebrate Single's Day? Help your friends throw a party, of course! Two Japanese friends ran up to me the day before and asked me to help them with a party they were having. Basically it was a matchmaking party, which is always cute. For the first part, we stood outside in the freezing cold and held signs and told people to come join our party. Taking advice from a pink/purple-haired girl holding a heart-shaped cardboard sign is always legit.

The end result being it was a fun and successful party. I'm not sure if we made any successful matches or not, but I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

光棍儿节快乐!Happy Singles Day! [And Happy Pocky Day!]

Today in China, it's 光棍儿节!AKA Singles Day! If you're single, this is the holiday for you! Every year 11/11 is Singles Day, because each 1 looks like a single person...or something like that. There's not really a specific way to celebrate this holiday, but people like to go to bars to sulk in their single-status sadness. And there's a Japanese restaurant that gives out free food!

In Korea, 11/11 is Pocky Day! Because the 1s look like pocky. It's pretty much like Korean Valentine's Day; boys give pocky to the girls they like and girls give pocky to the boys the like. Or just friends give their friends pocky~

Disney Characters Direct Translation?

Today in class, we were reading about the history of Walt Disney in Chinese... seems fitting. Since Disney charters are so hard to pronounce, there's a handy Chinese interpretation for all your Chinese Disney movie watching needs. For example:

Donald Duck:唐老鸭-Tang[dynasty] Old Duck
Cinderella:灰姑娘-Grey Lady
Mickey Mouse:米老鼠-Rice Rat

Close enough.

If you don't get it, you don't get it


Teacher: Have you guys heard any "authentic beijing phrases"?
Classmate: Er.

护国寺[Hu Guo Si]

Our teacher split up the class into two groups and gave us each a destination. Our destination was Hu Guo Si. She didn't tell us where it was or how to get there, she just told us to go there and try the food. We took the subway and then the bus and ended up here.
As you can see, it's a nice place. We walked around and asked around to find out which place had the best food. The answer seemed to be 护国寺小吃店 [Hu Guo Si Snack Store].
Fancy looking place. Seems legit. [ Btw, that winner in the plaid shirt is our 班长, aka class leader]
And here's the food, along with the class champion, BaoBao. As far as the food goes, it looks great. And that's about it. Basically, if you're looking for food to eat, I don't recommend coming here. But good experience, good experience.

Hi from China!

This is now my China blog! I'll post fancy updates and stuff here.